Sara Schieffelin

Sara Schieffelin is a licenced independent clinical social worker (LICSW) and holds a master's degree from the Smith College School for Social Work. Sara has worked with children, adolescents, families and adults in Massachusetts, Colorado and Thailand. She has worked in varied settings including community mental health centers and schools, and with diverse populations, including with people involved in the criminal justice system, survivors of human trafficking, elders, and folks living with major mental health diagnoses and substance use disorders. Currently she has a private practice where she offers counseling, supervision, consulting and Motivational Interviewing training. She is also a Field Faculty Advisor for students studying to get their master’s degree in social work.
Sara is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and has been teaching MI since 2013. She lives with her husband and son in Florence, Massachusetts.