Compassion Reading Room
Find a comfortable chair, a full mug, and enjoy wandering through any or all of the materials below.
Exploring how we can improve our practice of presence, of listening well, and of communicating effectively.
A short meditation, reflection, a conversation starter with yourself.
What makes motivational interviewing unique? How to engage in a motivational interviewing based conversation.
A review of Stephen's book The Magic of Connection in Journey magazine
A succinct summary.
A single sheet of bullet points for periodic reference and reflection.
A list of ideas to help frame and encourage productive communication with young people.
Shenpa is the urge, the hook, that triggers our habitual tendency to close down. We get hooked in that moment of tightening when we reach for relief. To get unhooked we begin by recognizing that moment of unease and learn to relax in that moment.
Here are a few tips which will help you become a better empathetic l istener and thereby establish better relationships and working conditions for yourself and the person you are working with.
One page "cheat sheet" or Cliff notes version for quick review.
The importance of compassion for community building, and therefore compassionate dialog.
This publication "provides probation and parole officers and other correctional professionals with both a solid grounding in the principles behind MI [motivational interviewing] and a practical guide for applying these principles in their everyday dealings with offenders" (p.2). Seven chapters are contained in this guide: how MI fits in with evidence-based practice; how and why people change; the motivational interviewing style; preparing for change; building motivation for change; navigating through tough times--working with deception, violations, and sanctions; and from start to finish--putting MI into practice.