Foundational Motivational Interviewing
This training provides learners with an introduction to Motivational Interviewing and focuses on the spirit, techniques, and key principles of holding a Motivational Interviewing conversation. This training is highly experiential, and learners will participate in exercises designed to illustrate the concepts described and will be given the opportunity to discuss their experience of those exercises. The goal of this training is for attendees to feel sufficiently familiar with MI to begin utilizing and embracing it in their day-to-day interactions with the clients they serve.
“This is very exciting. It has expanded my learning skills. It has made me think about how I can better serve my clients and help to make my work more effective.”
“By far the most informative & relevant training that I have ever attended.”
"Easy to participate, non-judgmental, excellent coaching."
“Great energy, kept the audience’s attention. It was worth the two hour drive to get here. I absolutely loved the workshop and had a wonderful time.”
“The concepts of MI can be very challenging to learn at first and maybe difficult to grasp, but I think MI is the best thing that has happened to the therapy/counseling and criminal justice field!”
“I've also found that this training has helped me to be a better person in general; family members and friends have been opening up to me more because I am truly listening to them.”
“I learned a tremendous amount about how to best help clients and also learned about my own tendencies in practice and what to work on. Great job! I was never bored.”
“Learned to be a more effective and less judgemental listener. This training goes much further than being useful at work; this was life training!”